How to run a single test in Jest: A developer’s guide to efficient testing

Testing is an essential aspect of software development, but it can easily become time-consuming — and frustrating — to run the whole test suite e.g., in Test Driven Development. This article guides you through various methods to run a single test or specific sets of tests, with direct references to Jest’s official CLI documentation.

Default test suite

By default, running the jest command without any arguments will execute all tests:


Read more about this in the official documentation.

By pattern or filename

You can run specific tests by their filename or a pattern, making it easier to focus on a specific feature or set of tests:

jest my-test
# or
jest path/to/my-test.js

Read more about this in the official documentation.

Execute tests related to uncommitted files with the -o flag, which bases the test selection on your hg/git history.

jest -o

Learn more about this feature.

Use the --findRelatedTests flag to run tests related to specific (source) files:

jest --findRelatedTests path/to/fileA.js path/to/fileB.js

Further details can be found here.

By spec name

Run a test by its spec name using the -t flag. This matches against the name in the describe or test blocks.

jest -t name-of-spec

Get more information on this from the official docs.

Watch mode for targeted testing

Jest’s watch mode lets you run tests as you change your code. By default, jest --watch runs only tests related to changed files.

jest --watch
# or to run all tests
jest --watchAll

Discover more about Jest’s watch mode.


Jest offers multiple options for running a single test or a specific set of tests, making your development process more efficient. By understanding these options, you can reduce test time and concentrate on what matters most at any given time. Always refer to the official Jest CLI documentation for a comprehensive guide.

Happy Testing!